NEO Coin (NEOUSD): Live Price Chart
[[ data.name ]]
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[[ data.price ]] [[ data.change ]] ([[ data.changePercent ]]%)
Low: [[ data.low ]]
High: [[ data.high ]]
Differences between Investing vs Trading
Differences between Investing vs Trading
Similar to Ethereum, Neo is a blockchain-based platform that allows users to develop smart contracts and digital assets. It was designed in China and is meant to be friendly to Chinese regulatory policies, following a crackdown within the country on Bitcoin and Ethereum. In turn, this makes Neo a somewhat more trustworthy cryptocurrency than many other emerging coins.
It is worth noting that since it took off in China, the vast mining operations for Neo Coin have had a significant effect on the environment. This is because Neo mining is one of the most energy-intensive crypto extraction processes out there. As an asset, Neo Coin is another highly volatile coin that has seen dramatic ups and downs, with its performance tied to the growth of the Neo network and domestic Chinese regulatory news.
The Neo Coin price history very closely mirrors general crypto trends for much of its lifespan. Its peak came along with many others at the outset of 2018, just as the first crypto bubble was about to burst. Here it reached an all-time high of 170 USD, before quickly falling down to around $8.
Since then, Neo's growth has been tied to the crypto market more generally, with its price jumping once again past 100 USD at the tail-end of 2021, the peak of the most recent crypto bubble.
Throughout the first quarter of 2022, the Neo Coin price kept falling, tempered partly by global economic uncertainty, as well as issues within the Chinese economy and regulatory environment specifically.
The long-term price outlook for Neo is not particularly optimistic, although the forecasters have been wrong in the past. For those looking to buy and hold, it is worth following regulatory news closely, since this tends to have a huge impact on the price movements of this coin.
For speculative traders, it's worth noting that Neo Coin is intensely volatile and may offer plenty of opportunities to exploit incremental fluctuations throughout the trading day.
Swap long | [[ data.swapLong ]] points |
Swap short | [[ data.swapShort ]] points |
Spread min | [[ data.stats.minSpread ]] |
Spread avg | [[ data.stats.avgSpread ]] |
Min contract size | [[ data.minVolume ]] |
Min step size | [[ data.stepVolume ]] |
Commission and Swap | Commission and Swap |
Leverage | Leverage |
Trading Hours | Trading Hours |
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The above spreads are applicable under normal trading conditions. Skilling has the right to amend the above spreads according to market conditions as per the 'Terms and Conditions'.
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How to trade NEO coin?
+ -
Trading NEO coin is a great way to diversify your portfolio. Here's how you can get started in trading NEO coins:
1. Choose an Exchange or Broker
2. Setup an Account
3. Fund Your Account
4. Buy or sell NEO Coins
5. Monitor Your Investment
By following these steps, you can get started in trading NEO coins and begin diversifying your portfolio with this powerful cryptocurrency. Just remember to do your research before making any investment decisions, so that you can be sure that you are making the right ones. Good luck!
When was NEO coin released?
+ -NEO coin was first released in 2016 by Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang. It is an open source blockchain platform developed to create a distributed network for the digital economy. NEO aims to combine digital assets, smart contracts, and digital identities into one efficient system. Along with this, Neo also provides its users with services such as decentralized storage, peer-to-peer networks, and a virtual machine that can execute smart contracts
What is the future of NEO coin?
+ -NEO coin is a cryptocurrency that has been gaining in popularity due to its unique features. It offers the ability to execute smart contracts, as well as an impressive scalability and low transaction fees. As such, it appears likely that there would be a bright future for NEO coin.
How to monitor the NEO coin?
+ -NEO is a popular cryptocurrency that can be monitored through a variety of different methods. The most common way to track NEO coin pricing and other market movements is through online cryptocurrency exchanges and specialized charting platforms. Exchanges provide real-time information on prices, trading activity, and more.
Why Trade [[data.name]]
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