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The Smarter Way
to Trade Stocks
Trade over 750 global stock CFDs
Find the stocks you want easily. Trade them quickly.
Why trade with Skilling?
No Capital Restrictions
Buying shares through exchange comes at high costs. CFDs allow you to speculate on the price action of your favourite shares at much lower costs, i.e. trade Tesla with as little as spreads from 0.2.
Short Term & Long Term
The shares market is beneficial for both short and long term investing. With CFDs you can go long on shares expected to rise in price over time, or go short in declining markets.
Hedge and Leverage
Hedge any physical shares you have via CFDs with Skilling. Diversify your exposure by trading shares of companies across different sectors. Hold larger positions using leverage.
Easily find and trade global stocks.
No commissions*, just super low spreads.
Take a smaller position with fractional shares.
Enjoy a world-class trading experience.
Trade intuitively with Skilling’s cutting-edge fintech.
Trade with a clear mind via a Scandinavian owned Fintech with a heritage of trust, transparency & fairness.
*other fees may apply
Multiple platforms/Full Flexibility Full Control
Choose between Skilling MT4, Skilling cTrader, TradingView or our proprietary Skilling Trader platform.
Trade seamlessly on desktop or mobile devices, anywhere, anytime.
- Multiple platforms
To suit your needs & trading level - Deep Liquidity
To provide best possible pricing - Full Transparency
In all execution and practices