Week ahead: forecast for the 13-12-2021

Getting in front of 2022! This week’s Economic Calendar Could be the Biggest of 2021!
Monday – Japan Machinery Orders due.
Tuesday – UK Unemployment data.
Wednesday – US Retail Sales and US FED Interest Rate announcement on deck.
Thursday – Eurozone, Norway, and United Kingdom interest rate decisions due.
Friday – United Kingdom GDP, German HICP, US CPI on deck.
Global financial asset prices seem to want to continue to climb the “wall of worry”! Provided the rate of inflation can slow during 2022, global stock markets could potentially slip back into the multi-year up-trend groove… this week’s US FED and European interest rate announcements, US Retail Sales data, and EU and US Consumer Price data may very well set the stage for the 1st half of 2022… what’s your 2022 trading plan?
Not investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee or predict future performance.